This podcast. Blew. My. Mind. At least the first part, before getting to the COVID discussions.
Some interesting thoughts:
The internet is the next Silicon Valley.
Human civilization has moved so far west that we're moving into the cloud now.
Land and resources were finite, the internet isn't.
VR's next big thing are the virtual cities.
Starting a new city requires lots of land, but starting a cloud city is much easier. (You only need a domain).
There are 4 places you can build:
land: 7 billion people
sea: about 2 million people
space: ~10 people
internet: 2-3 billion people.
My take: some of these ideas might sound crazy and out of this world, but when I look around, everything we have today sounded stupid at one point in time. Cars, smartphones, … Pioneers of each of these things were ridiculed at one point.
Maybe it’s time for each of us to do some landgrab beyond the next frontier. Claim our stakes in the ground by securing our domains. I’ve been reading about the idea of the IndieWeb lately, and it resonates. Owning our data; our digital footprint.
Do you own your domain name?
I do have several in my possession, including .org (.com was taken by a lawyer namesake).
It’s funny to see people complaining about The Media over Twitter and Facebook. Sorry, but once you’re out there, you are The Media. Every retweet, like, and share is a pebble you contribute to the world order. You decide what sort of messages you’d like to amplify — good or bad. The global conversation on social platforms is energized by us, the participants.
We’ve connected everyone, including the bad people.
If you look at Twitter or Facebook, you are convinced that this world is going to hell. But if you get offline and out into nature, socially distancing in the physical world, you see what a wonderful world this still is.