🏖 If you observe people on the beach, notice how they make their way into the water.
There are two kinds of people, and they get into the water the same way they live their lives.
The first kind are those who observe the water, but mostly look at others, checking how many people are in the water, is it only children or are there adults as well, how those people look, and how do they compare.
Then they’ll get up and approach the water, carefully stepping in, dipping their toes first like it’s lava. Then they’ll get in knee-deep, looking around; women tend to cross their arms under their breasts at this stage; men stand akimbo. The next level is dipping the reproduction parts, going all the way to the waistline, and their facial expression tells you what they're doing. Then they’ll move around, escape their excrements, lift their hands, hesitate for a moment, and then push and swim. It took them anywhere five to ten minutes, and you can bet – this is the same way they do everything in life.
The other kind, they spring up, get to the water, run and jump to dive right in. Once they’re wet, you’ll notice them swimming on the spot, incriminating expression on their face; observing others, looking back at the beach. Maybe they’ll sprinkle a hesitant member of their party. But they’re in the water in less than thirty seconds.
This might be a reflection of lifestyle, philosophy, or just a habit you learn. The latter means that you can adjust according to your ambitions.
I’m all in the dive-right-in camp, but there are times when there’s a rock in the water, and you might break your neck if you get in too fast. That’s why we need both kinds of people on our team.
Just don’t pee in the pool.

Stay Hungry; Stay Foolish.